Many of our members want to move sectors, do jobs which give them a sense of purpose, and earn the experience and time being part of a start up can offer.  Sadly, most start ups can’t afford the skills they need to get off the ground and many fail.  At Brave Starts, we feel many of our members could make a valuable contribution to a start up. The idea with sweat equity is you earn shares in a business in return for your time investment.  We’ve invited Judy Leung, the founder of Sweqlink a sweat equity platform, to talk about:-

- What Sweat Equity is and how it works

- What skills and experience are in demand

- Where you can find Sweat Equity roles

- How you can avoid being exploited

We also meet Mickela, who works on a sweat equity basis at Sweqlink,  and hear what it's like from her perspective.

About Judy Leung:

Judy comes from the digital marketing world. Having worked for a number of small/medium sized businesses, she wanted to grow her own start up but found it nearly impossible to get to any sort of scale or size without investment – and without investment, it’s impossible to hire staff.  Being in the start up world herself, Judy has learned this is a huge issue for many businesses and so she began Sweqlink - the sweat equity platform. Sweqlink helps pre-investment stage entrepreneurs find work-for-equity talent while giving talent the opportunity to share in the future success of the companies they help to build today. They help founders and talent understand what sweat equity is, how both parties can benefit from this kind of partnership, and how to approach it from a best practice perspective. Visit their website:

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Many of our members want to move sectors, do jobs which give them a sense of purpose, and earn the experience and time being part of a start up can offer.  Sadly, most start ups can’t afford the skills they need to get off the ground and many fail.  At Brave Starts, we feel many of our members could make a valuable contribution to a start up. The idea with sweat equity is you earn shares in a business in return for your time investment.  We’ve invited Judy Leung, the founder of Sweqlink a sweat equity platform, to talk about:-

- What Sweat Equity is and how it works

- What skills and experience are in demand

- Where you can find Sweat Equity roles

- How you can avoid being exploited

We also meet Mickela, who works on a sweat equity basis at Sweqlink,  and hear what it's like from her perspective.

About Judy Leung:

Judy comes from the digital marketing world. Having worked for a number of small/medium sized businesses, she wanted to grow her own start up but found it nearly impossible to get to any sort of scale or size without investment – and without investment, it’s impossible to hire staff.  Being in the start up world herself, Judy has learned this is a huge issue for many businesses and so she began Sweqlink - the sweat equity platform. Sweqlink helps pre-investment stage entrepreneurs find work-for-equity talent while giving talent the opportunity to share in the future success of the companies they help to build today. They help founders and talent understand what sweat equity is, how both parties can benefit from this kind of partnership, and how to approach it from a best practice perspective. Visit their website: