Have you ever thought about writing a book? Get advice and tips from book author Melissa Addey.

Melissa writes historical fiction set in China, Morocco and Rome. She was Writer in Residence at the British Library in 2016, has a PhD in Creative Writing, and was winner of the 2019 Novel London literary award. If you've ever wondered if the author's life is for you, now is your chance to get practical advice and find out about the reality of becoming an author. In this video we cover:

-  How do you get from the idea stage to actually publishing a book?

-When is the best time to become an authorW

- Would you recommend staying in your current job until you feel confident enough to make the leap?

-Are there any writing courses or ways to practise writing that you would recommend?

-What are the costs involved in learning to write?

-What are the pros and cons of having an agent vs self-publishing?

-What is the best way to go down the self-publishing route?

-How do you market self-published books

-How much does it cost to self-publish?

- How do you overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome?

-How do you find a good editor?

-What do you think about hiring a book writing coach?

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Have you ever thought about writing a book? Get advice and tips from book author Melissa Addey.

Melissa writes historical fiction set in China, Morocco and Rome. She was Writer in Residence at the British Library in 2016, has a PhD in Creative Writing, and was winner of the 2019 Novel London literary award. If you've ever wondered if the author's life is for you, now is your chance to get practical advice and find out about the reality of becoming an author. In this video we cover:

-  How do you get from the idea stage to actually publishing a book?

-When is the best time to become an authorW

- Would you recommend staying in your current job until you feel confident enough to make the leap?

-Are there any writing courses or ways to practise writing that you would recommend?

-What are the costs involved in learning to write?

-What are the pros and cons of having an agent vs self-publishing?

-What is the best way to go down the self-publishing route?

-How do you market self-published books

-How much does it cost to self-publish?

- How do you overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome?

-How do you find a good editor?

-What do you think about hiring a book writing coach?