
Focus Group Discussion: Calling the Men 2

12:30 pm
2:00 pm

Following on from our first focus group, 'Calling the Men', on 4th June, we will be holding a second session on 25th June to develop on what was discussed. You can read more about the first session here.

When it comes to mid life career transition and support, there seems to be a lot of provision for women, but not a lot is done for the men.

​We’ve made several observations about the experience of men going through a period of career transition, and we recognise there are some unique challenges the 50+ man will experience, which we’d like to get more detail on so that we can better understand the issues.

​Patrick Barrow is a new Brave Starts member who feels there needs to be some focused practical support for men to talk about what help they want, and in what shape, format and structure this might be facilitated.

​If you are interested in contributing to the session and giving Patrick (and us at Brave Starts) a steer on how best to help you, please register.

In return, we envisage you’ll get some benefit from taking part, such as:

  • ​Meeting other men who feel there could be better provision
  • ​Understanding what others are looking for and contributing your own thoughts
  • ​The chance to help us and Patrick consider what else could be developed and offered

​We look forward to welcoming your contribution.

About Patrick Barrow

​Patrick has a near 30-year career in PR, media and journalism behind him, including spells with the BBC and The Telegraph Group, and contributes to a number of online publications, including The Critic and Reaction Life.

​He recently published his first novel, Bang Out of Order, and has written for academic works on journalism and media ethics.

​Patrick is Welfare Secretary of the Harlequin Players Association, helping former athletes assimilate to life after sport, and for the last 15 years has run Reputation Communications.

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