The Business Model Canvas is a visual representation of the key building blocks to address and consider when building a business. This is an iterative process. No business ends where it starts because you learn and adjust in accordance with how your service or product is performing for your target market. The Business Model Canvas has 9 building blocks which are all interconnected and play a role in keeping the business viable. These notes take you through each of the steps and links you to a template business model canvas.

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The Business Model Canvas is a visual representation of the key building blocks to address and consider when building a business. This is an iterative process. No business ends where it starts because you learn and adjust in accordance with how your service or product is performing for your target market. The Business Model Canvas has 9 building blocks which are all interconnected and play a role in keeping the business viable. These notes take you through each of the steps and links you to a template business model canvas.